Band yang digawangi lima orang personiel ini terbentuk pertama kali tanggal 15 Oktober 2011. Namun para personiel DOVA sebelumnya rata-rata adalah pecahan dari beberapa band dengan warna musik yang berbeda-beda. Atta (Vocal) memiliki basic seorang penyanyi solo. Nandy (Bass) ini dulunya adalah mantan personil dari Level Band. Edo (Guitar) yang dulunya adalah personil dari KETh band. Gatem (Drum) yang dulunya pernah bergabung di beberapa band dengan aliran yang berbeda-beda seperti Alto yang beraliran pop rock, dan Green Savana yang beraliran Regge, dan Dedy (keyboard) adalah aditional Souqy Band.

DOVA adalah band yang mengusung gendre musik Pop Alternative, hal itu dikarenakan basic para personil DOVA yang beragam. namun DOVA sangat optimis dapat terus maju, dan memberi warna baru di blantika musikIndonesia.

Asal kata DOVA sebenarnya berasal dari dua kata yaitu DOVE yang berarti merpati dan DAVA dalam bahasa Belanda yang berarti emas. namun sebenarnya nama DOVA itu sendiri berasal dari potongan kalimat CORDOVA (tempat dimana para personil dan sahabat-sahabat dova berkumpul dan menghabiskan waktu bersama

Playlist dan Download


Dova - akan ku coba

Dova - ilfeel

Dova - Sendiri



Download Atomix Virtual DJ Pro 7.0 Full

Atomix Virtual DJ Pro 7.0 Full | VirtualDJ is the hottest AUDIO and VIDEO mixing software, targeting DJs from the bedroom, mobile, and professional superstars like Carl Cox. With VirtualDJ's breakthrough BeatLock engine, songs will always stay in beat, and the DJ works their mixes incredibly faster than they ever could.

The automatic seamless loop engine and synchronized sampler lets the DJ perform astounding remixes live, with no preparation at all. The visual representation and the cues allow a DJ to clearly see the song structure, and never be surprised by a break. The vinyl controls will let you scratch like on a real turntable, except that with the beatlock engine your scratches will never end out of the beat.

Add to that the infinite number of cue points a DJ can save for each song and large collection of wonderful automatically beat-synchronized effects.

And with VirtualDJ's large collection of skin interfaces to suit everybody from the beginner to the professional DJ, the possibility to record the DJ's mix to then burn to CDs, to broadcasting on the Internet and/or the DJ's own radio station, to use headphones to preview the song, or use an external mixer to perform in a club; VirtualDJ is a DJ's ULTIMATE mix software.

Lastly, enter the new era of DJs mixing video enhanced songs (DVD, DivX, MPEG...) which can be sent to monitors, TVs, a projector for display on a giant screen.

VirtualDJ brings all that and more to the DJ in the most easy-to-use way and at the most affordable price for the ULTIMATE DJ MIX EXPERIENCE.

HomPage Virtual DJ
Download Atomix Virtual DJ Pro 7.0 Full

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